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Log pay periods electronically & maximize your military pay!Log everything from TP’s to Title 10 contingency orders. Gain full visibility of any pay periods used and remaining to better manage your pay

Never miss a paycheck again by seamlessly tracking which events have been paid!Enable pay tracking to simply check-off the pay periods as they are paid by finance. Easily sort periods by paid or outstanding.

Seamlessly track your military benefits with ease!- Keep track of how many days you have earned toward early retirement by tagging each order with this benefit.
- Track Tricare benefits by entering the order issue date and selecting the qualification tag- we track the exact start and end date of your pre- and post- mobilization coverage.
- The 9-11 GI Bill is quick and easy, showing you how many days you have earned, along with a link to benefit percentage levels.


Two ways to easily pull your reportingSimple reporting via the app or log in to the web portal for more enhanced data filtering and actual logbook report formats. You can even export military flight time into LogTen® for simple integration with your commercial flight time.

Make your next OPR/EPR a breeze with simple bullet logging!Attach a performance bullet to any logged event to run a quick report showing all of your accomplishments throughout the year.

Built-in Google® Calendar option!Link events to your personal Google® web calendar. Once an event is logged, the app will auto-post a summary of the event to your online calendar. Simply log into your Google Calendar from anywhere and see all your events to include TP start and end times, flight time summary, and more!

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Flight time straight off the 781 & export to LogTen®!- Built in logbook enables you to enter flight information straight off the 781, ensuring 100% accuracy and simple data entry. - Tagging within the logbook eliminates the need to estimate PIC hours. - Export your military flight time into LogTen® for simple integration with your commercial flight time.

Easily compare your ARM flight record with SARM. The FlyMilitary portal has a feature to do a ARMs flight record review where you can compare your flight time records with the what the SARM produces during your annual review. The FlyMilitary report is designed to look exactly like the actual flying history report so comparing them is simple!

Essential Tools

Not sure how close you are to 1095?Federal law prohibits Guard and Reserve members from working more than 1095 days in a 4 year period. Flymilitary allows you to tag each order with 1095 tracking if applicable so your totals will always be right at your fingertips!

Calculate your LFA in local time, anywhere!No more guessing - we do the math! Automatically calculates expected alert, show time, step time, engine start time, and the end of your crew duty day based on the Zulu takeoff time entered. Or you can customize these fields and offsets with your own labels and times – time conversions made simple!

Ever feel like you’re putting in a lot of extra hours?Flymilitary will automatically keep a total of TP, UTA, and RMP time logged in excess of 4 hours. Maintaining a healthy work-life balance is important and this tool is a great way to keep you on track!

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Subscribe now and get all the great features of Flymilitary for only $11.99 per year!
  • flymilitary App
  • Log pay periods electronically
  • Track your military benefits
  • Log Military filght time
  • Log the flights where you were the Aircraft Commander
  • View reports of your flight time with your pay events
  • Track how close you are to 1,095 days
  • Calculate your LFA in local time from anywhere in the world
  • Link your logged flight times with your Google Calendar
  • $11.99/year


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